Thursday, September 3, 2020

Finance Concepts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fund Concepts - Assignment Example On the off chance that the assessed life of this undertaking is 5 years and the Required Rate of Return is 10%, at that point we can likewise ascertain the NPV of this venture. In the event that the NPV is additionally a positive worth, at that point we can securely assess that this venture will convey a decent return, and the underlying speculation would be canvassed in 5 years. (Shim and Siegel, 2000). 2. At whatever point one needs to fund a business, he can go for either obligation or value financing. Obligation Financing conveys bunches of focal points and impediments. The significant favorable position of this type of financing is that you don't lose the responsibility for organization. The loan specialist additionally doesn't have such an offer later on business benefits. Also, the enthusiasm on obligation is deductible on the tax’s returns, consequently decreasing the real expense of credit to the organization. At last, on account of obligation financing the organizati on isn't qualified for send their yearly reports to different partners. Anyway there is consistently another side of a coin. Obligation Financing conveys the drawback of at being reimbursed sooner or later in time. The intrigue cost can be hazardous for an organization, particularly at the hours of budgetary emergency. Other than that the guarantee the organization promises against the advance can squeeze the proprietor of a little endeavor. There is a motivation behind why organizations decide to put resources into stock as opposed to bonds. The interest in bonds conveys lower returns than stocks. Despite the fact that it is less hazardous, the arrival on stocks can be considerably more engaging. Financial specialists can, in specific circumstances lose cash on bonds, on the off chance that they sell a bond when the cost is lower from when they bought it. The higher swelling rates over the venture return on securities will hurt the buying influence of the cash the financial special ists have (Petch, n.d.). 3. In the field of fund there is a significant idea of hazard return exchange off. There is a general thought that wins, the higher the hazard the more noteworthy the arrival would be for a speculation. The parity of the hazard return exchange offs, is henceforth a key factor in structuring a legitimate money related and venture plan. Let us take a case of interest in stocks. On account of a theoretical stock due to its high hazard, as a speculator, you will anticipate a better yield. The equivalent is the situation with the working capital administration. In the event that you keep a lower stock, there is a danger of coming up short on stock and thus you expect a bigger return out of it (Shim and Siegel, 2000). 4. In money, a Beta estimates how unpredictable any security is to the market normal. In layman terms, it gauges the arrival of a security in a specific timeframe comparable to the general market. Let us take a model, if an organization has a beta of 2.0 in due time, this would imply that if the securities exchange would increment by 10%, our company’s stock will expand twice crease for example by 20% and the other way around. In the event that the organization has a 0 beta that implies it isn't influenced by the market. A 0.5 beta would mean the company’s stock is half as unpredictable as the market, while a 1 beta would show that the organization is as unstable as the market (Shim and Siegel, 2000). 5. At the point when a hazard happens due to non-probabilistic occasions and not by unadulterated possibility, it is delegated

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Simile in Iliad Essay Example For Students

Analogy in Iliad Essay There can be a various measure of reasons that a writer chooses to compose a specific work. Be that as it may, the shared objective of all writers is to grab the eye of the peruser and in the end establish a connection or some likeness thereof on the peruser. There are various methodologies that the creator may take so as to accomplish this shared objective. One methodology that can be utilized is the specific style of composing that the creator picks. In the epic sonnet by Homer called the Iliad, Homers recipe to pick up the consideration of the peruser utilizes the constant utilization of comparisons and similitudes. Being that the Iliad is an epic sonnet, it imparts to the peruser the musings and messages that Homer wishes to pass on. It is significant for the peruser to comprehend the style of composing that Homer uses so as to completely get a handle on the message of the work. The perusers understanding is amplified if the peruser plainly comprehends the strategies and gadgets used to compose this specific work. One of the least difficult, most commonsense devices utilized in verse is the utilization of examination. Standard discourse is upgraded by the utilization of these examinations. There are two manners by which a creator can look at two things. One is the utilization of analogy, which is a correlation of two not at all like things utilizing the words as or like. A case of an analogy in verse is the line I meandered forlorn as a cloud from William Wordsworths celebrated sonnet. Different instances of analogies are new as a daisy, level as a hotcake, and wonderful like a blessed messenger. The other kind of correlation is the allegory, where an examination is made legitimately, without the words as or like. At the end of the day, an analogy is a dense metaphor building up a close connection between two things. A case of a similitude is the expression suffocating in distress. In the Iliad, Homer widely utilizes the gadget of comparison in depicting numerous parts of the content. Homer doesn't utilize the similitude broadly in his work, and when he utilizes it, the examinations are typically constrained to straightforward expressions, for example, winged words (1.201). The primary core of correlations in the Iliad is the utilization of comparisons where Homer uses in two unique manners. Homer uses short likenesses in which he thinks about two elements utilizing one basic expression. There are various instances of this found in the Iliad. One model can be found in Book 1 when Homer depicts how Achilleus called upon his mom for help from Zeus and how she came out from the ocean. Homer composes, and softly she developed like a fog from the dim water (359). Another model can be discovered when Homer talks about the robe that Hekabe was going to give Athene as a blessing, he says the robe shone like a star (6.295). Increasingly pervasive notwithstanding, are th e all-inclusive comparisons that Homer has so splendidly introduced in this sonnet. There are a few instances of expanded comparisons that can be noted. One model can be found in Book 6 in the scene that portrays the gathering among Diomedes and Glaukos. After Diomedes gets some information about his experience, Glaukos replies:As is the age of leaves, so is that of mankind. The breeze disperses the leaves on the ground, yet the live lumber prospers with leaves again in the period of spring returning. So one age of men will develop while another passes on (146). Another case of an all-inclusive metaphor is found in Book 16 as Achilleus lashes out at Patroklos for crying on account of the war. Achilleus thinks about Patroklos to a crying young lady pursuing her mom. He says:Why then are you crying like some poor young lady, Patroklos, who pursues her mom andbegs to be gotten and conveyed, and sticks to her dress, and holds her back when shetries to rush, and looks mournfully into her face, until she is gotten. You resemble one, such a Patroklos, dropping these delicate tears. (6)Homer uses representations just as likenesses to add surface to the Iliad. Frequently, the allegories are straightforward expressions used to depict an individual or article. Instances of allegories from the Iliad are when Homer calls Achilleus shepherd of the individuals (16.2) and in Book 2, when Homer talks about Agamemnons dream. Homer portrays the plunge of the Dream to Agamemnon. Homer composes, He discovered him resting inside his asylum in a haze of eternal sl eep (18). .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2 , .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2 .postImageUrl , .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2 , .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2:hover , .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2:visited , .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2:active { border:0!important; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2:active , .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-design: underline; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db 2 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u79ef53ca95c443a42badebc5588c8db2:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Alexander the Great4 EssayHomers comparisons and similitudes are commonly utilized as portrayals. The depictions can be isolated into various gatherings, for example, portrayals of individuals, depictions of people groups language, and portrayals of war and fight. Homers depictions of individuals, especially the warriors are found all through the Iliad. In Book 2, Homer depicts the Achaian armed force, saying that maybe they were small kids or bereft ladies they shout out and whine to one another about going back home (289). Book 3 says, Atreides ran like a wild brute (448) and in Book 6, Hektors child is depicted as delightful as a sparkling sta r (401). Achilleus specifically is contrasted with numerous things in the Iliad. In Book 16 Achilleus is called shepherd of the individuals (2). In Book 22, he is portrayed in extraordinary detail in examination with numerous things. He is contrasted with a racehorse who is in tearing pace (22), he is contrasted with a star which enters the harvest time and whose obvious splendor far surpasses the stars that are numbered in the evenings obscuring (26). He is likewise contrasted with a snake who hangs tight for a man by his gap, in the mountains, glutted with underhanded toxins (93). Homer uses these correlations with enormously underscore the significance and quality of Achilleus. Without these metaphors, our conviction and comprehension of Achilleus quality would be seriously constrained. On the off chance that Homer let us know toward the starting that Achilleus was the best all things considered and didn't include these examinations all through the sonnet, the quality would not a ppear as extraordinary as it appears with these correlations. With these correlations, Achilleus appears to be more similar to a divine being than a human, and in light of the fact that he is so respected by others in the sonnet for his quality, the peruser will inconclusively respect him and be awed by him also. The correlations demonstration as updates, yet additionally as reinforcers of the enormity of Achilleus. Portrayals of people groups discourse additionally happen as likenesses and analogies in the Iliad. The discourse that individuals use to put down others for the most part contains comparisons and illustrations. In Book 3, Alexandros discloses to Hektor your heart is weariless, similar to a hatchet sharp edge driven by a keeps an eye on quality through the wood (60). In Book 22, Hektor calls Achilleus a canine (345) and says that Achilleus shows at least a bit of kindness of iron (357). One of the fundamental focal points of Homers unmistakable language is his focus on warriors, fight and war. A plentiful measure of analogies and allegories can be found in Homers portrayals. In Book 2 Homer depicts the Achaian armed force as:swarms of grouping honey bees that issue always in new erupts from the bless in the stone, and balance like a lot of grapes as they float underneath the blossoms in springtimefluttering in swarms together along these lines and that way (87). In Book 3, the Trojans are said to come on with clatter and yelling like wildfowl (2), and the Achaians are depicted as:on the pinnacles of mountains the south wind dissipates the thick fog, no companion to the shepherd, however superior to night for the burglar, and a man can see before him just to the extent a stone cast, so underneath their feet the residue drove up in a stormcloud of menmarching, who cleared their path through the plain in incredible speed (10). The warriors specifically are portrayed through correlation. The Trojan warriors are contrasted with a dark cloud (16.65) while the Achaian warriors are supposed to resemble wolves who tear substance crude (16.155). Homers strategy in utilizing the likenesses and analogies is decently sim

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How Does the Stock Market Affect the Economy free essay sample

As the Nasdaq fell in 2000, the general funding contributing likewise diminished from the once â€Å"booming† pace that was known through the 1990’s. The declining stock costs influence firms in a few different ways, just as affecting their deals to purchasers. The rising significance of investment for financing developing business will likewise make it harder very hard to precisely decide select sizes. As indicated by this article, stocks costs do influence firms since they press administrators to slice cost and are compelled to lay off specialists. At the point when stock costs go down enormously it influences an organizations estimation of the stock and the investment opportunities. It is hazy whether this influences finance expenses and swelling. There is negligible information to demonstrate whether it does or not, however we can say on some scale for the most part little it needs to. The third factor cutting down the stock costs is them appearing to be more vulnerable or increasingly unsure benefit standpoint which makes speculators request higher hazard premiums which helps the expense of financing business venture. We will compose a custom exposition test on How Does the Stock Market Affect the Economy? or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page An extra factor that influences firm’s conduct is Tobin’s q hypothesis of speculation. As indicated by this hypothesis, firms have less impetus to put resources into capital if there is a fall in the proportion of q of the expense of purchasing new capital. By and large in this market stock costs do influence firms from accomplishing more business, representative turnover, and getting financial specialists to keep putting resources into their business. Next market that might be influenced by stock costs is the family segment. One can expect that lower stock costs are corresponded with more prominent vulnerability and lower certainty due to past information and events that cause financial specialists to accept this. As indicated by this article, â€Å"most appraisals of stock riches impacts suggest that for each $100,000 to decrease in stock riches, yearly utilization falls by generally $3,000 to $5,000 as time goes on. † We would then be able to decipher from this portion yes as time goes on less buyers are eager to spend when the Nasdaq diminishes strikingly more so than ordinary which bury affects the economy. This article likewise associates riches similar to the main division of individuals that are really influenced by stock costs falling. Article expresses that stock costs adjust people’s desires for future monetary development whether it’s their own or not. Playing devil’s supporter would be a financial specialist that states 1 to 5 percent of families that stock costs decay are probably not going to influence spending. Maki and Palumbo have closed by utilizing information across various gatherings of family units, the two new Federal Reserve examines have given adequate proof that stock costs influence purchaser spending through a â€Å"wealth channel. Our general sentiment regarding this matter is that stock costs do influence the economy, anyway not by a considerable sum. The truth is that individuals despite everything go through cash, and the organizations despite everything proceed onward and proceed with their business, and family units are simply enthused. I would state just from individual experience working for a fortune 500 organization that at whatever point the organization I work f or stocks go somewhere near $5. 00 dollars, nobody cares. It’s just when it goes from $95. 00 to $34. 0 that individuals begin to frenzy and stress over the security of their activity. Obviously stock costs are not by any means the only impediment to a poor economy, numerous variables are included and in play that contrarily influence our economy. I accumulate from this article is that is the thing that the writer path attempting to pass on. Indeed stock costs do have an impact over the economy, yet different events and circumstances influence it too. It will be fascinating to see as I screen the financial exchange all the more intently how various markets adjust or change in the event that anything by any means.

Knowledge was one of the most powerful tools of the middle ages Essay Example For Students

Information was one of the most integral assets of the medieval times Essay Information was one of the most integral assets of the medieval times. It was exceptionally esteemed by numerous rulers and individuals from respectability, however the best procurer of information through the medieval times was without a doubt the congregation. Their thought process in the catching of shrewdness was not for their own improvement, yet prevalently self-conservation. In the event that the overall population were to get hold of such an abundance of philosophical and logical works that were retained in the ascetic libraries then they would in all likelihood start to detail their own strict thoughts, thusly discharging the cultural stranglehold the congregation held so firmly around then. To endure the congregation needed to keep the information from the majority, and this is something that Umberto Eco has consolidated with artfulness into his novel The Name of the Rose. Intertextuality, postmodernism, references and a variety of fascinating characters help to clarify the condition of training and the accessibility of information in the medieval times. The maze is one of the most significant angles to the depiction of information in The Name of the Rose. Its structure and reason for existing are a splendid illustration to the places of worship want to keep information from poor people and weak. The account of the maze goes directly back to a Greek legend, which recounts a mammoth with the leader of a cow-like and the body of a man, who was imagined a lady and a snow white bull. It was bound to a maze from which there was never be a way out without help. The idea that Eco utilizes in The Name of the Rose is fundamentally the same as, with the exception of as opposed to guarding the Minotaur, Ecos maze watches books, the information that could be the decimation of the churchs bad habit like hold upon society. The minotaur needed seven youthful ladies and seven adolescents for each year to extinguish its craving, and one year the Greek saint Theseus got tired of the executing and offered himself as a penance to the bull, with the goal of murdering it. He went in with a bundle of string and a blade, the chunk of string he used to follow his way back to the beginning when he had slaughtered the Minotaur. There are particular equals among William, and the saint Theseus. William entered the library with the expectation of getting at the substance that it was shielding from society, which obviously were the books, similarly as Theseus entered the Minotaurs maze to protect the youngsters and ladies. The two of them prevail in their mission, William rising up out of the consuming library with some significant scholarly works, and Theseus with the young people and ladies that were destined to be relinquished. It is likewise no incident that William utilizes string, much equivalent to the Greek saint, to escape from the ascetic maze. The genuine reason for the library is implied upon all through the novel, for the most part through Adso and Williams hazardous undertakings into the maze, which feature the undeniable trouble of getting inside the library, acquiring books, at that point getting pull out. There are anyway immediate references to the mazes aim, which for the most part happen in discussions among Adso and William. On page 286 Adso is stunned to find that the library in this Italian religious community has an alternate reason to most, And is a library, at that point, as instrument not for appropriating reality yet for deferring its appearance? The librarys political purposes supersede its hypothetical one, which is to spread information, and this is one of the books most prominent incongruities. One could thus accept that the library and the priests presence is pointless in a non-postmodernist sense as they are recreating and protecting works that they will never deliberately discharge into society. Eco most deftly depicts the incredible intensity of information through maybe the books most fascinating character, William of Baskerville. He is altogether different from different priests in the cloister, as his extraordinary abundance of information and perspectives remember him as a renaissance man a long time before his time. One of the procedures Eco uses to depict Williams significance to the subject of information in The Name of the Rose is intertextuality. It is spoken to basically as Sir Arthur Conan Doyles short stories, Sherlock Holmes, and particularly The Hounds of the Baskervilles. Impact vietnam had on its veterans EssayNot just is the distinction between the informed and non-taught of the medieval times provided food for by Ecos employments of intertextuality, yet additionally the fierce differentiation that is available between the perspectives that existed during the 1300s and that of today. Eco utilizes intertextuality as an amazing vehicle to render his generally acclaimed postmodernist subjects inside the novel. William of Baskerville is a man relatively revolutionary, and he utilizes renaissance and innovator lines of thought to take care of issues. Subsequently he speaks to the utilization of information that happens in the present day, a clinical and logical perspective on. Eco utilizes him to commend the adjustment in intuition between the Middle Ages and the renaissance time frame, the contrast between the deductive and strict methods of thought, which are so contrastingly respected today than they were in 1327. While the likenesses among William and Sherlock Holmes are the fundamental devices Eco uses to accentuate his postmodernist subjects, little references to postmodernism are included all through the content. For instance at the earliest reference point Adso composes, But now we see through a glass dimly, by this he implies that we will never observe the genuine idea of certain things until numerous years after the fact or even until the finish of time. This line is key to the possibility of postmodernism as it highlights the way that we didnt truly realize that the progressions society and science were experiencing would be as progressive as they inevitably were. It is likewise a smart mention to the conduct of the priests; toward the beginning we expect that they are a decent model of control and administration to god, yet in the end we discover that they are totally defiled and have trespassed bountifully, along these lines having not an unadulterated particle inside. In this a definitive affectation of religion is uncovered. One of the most captivating puzzles in The Name of the Rose is Jorges inclination to the possibility that silliness and chuckling are wicked and a hindrance to mankind. All through the novel he contends with William with consistency in regards to this issue and it features the chapels dread of losing their control of western civilisation. As William and Adso are on the path of the killer William says of the finis Africae, the book that such a large number of priests had been slaughtered over, If somebody murders for a bunch of gold, he will be a voracious individual; if for a book, he will be on edge to save for himself the privileged insights of that book. Jorge set up this entire homicide riddle and its happenings by putting poison on the pages of the important Aristotelian work, therefore executing any individual who understands it and ensuring its valuable insider facts. The truth that the he isn't agreeable to giggling or humor, combined with the way that the finis Africae utili zes diversion to pass on its thoughts, would persuade that Jorge is essentially following the demeanor of the congregation. This being works which use techniques to make their ideas particularly straightforward are perilous, and in this way they over all others ought to be kept from flow into society. Umberto Eco has made the topic of information a focal subject inside The Name of the Rose, and the artistic methods he utilizes just as his exceptionally intricate characters are profoundly fruitful in passing on the manner in which information was treated in the time of incredible force that the catholic church held. The utilization of Sherlock Holmes in an intertextual sense and the subsequent post-present day parts of his amalgamation inside the story are particularly astute techniques which serve to give an extremely fascinating digression to the novel. The Name Of The Rose can be accepted both on surface an incentive as a regular wrongdoing story and from underneath as a magnificent political piece that typifies the mentalities of the time while as yet keeping up its unexpected edge as a Sherlock Holmes murder spine chiller set in the mid 1300s, 500 years before Doyles work, and written during the 1980s, somewhere in the range of 100 years after the fact than the Holmes puzzles were first distributed.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Pricing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Evaluating - Research Paper Example This examination will start with the explanation that cost is the financial worth related with the item and it is the driver of organization revenues.† Charles W. Sheep, Joseph F. Hair and Carl McDaniel accept that cost is something â€Å"which is surrendered in a trade to secure a decent or service.† Price of an item or administration is essential to both dealer and client. As a rule, clients consider theâ price to be the expense of item or administration, while dealer considers as the income. The rationale is basic for the merchants †income increments with the expansion in cost or volume of deals. As a general rule, value stays ambiguous as all the subtleties identified with it are rarely illuminated. Hypothetically, theâ price is one of the most significant Ps among the four Ps of item showcasing. The consideration of theâ price in the advertising blend (four Ps) connotes the significance of it in the realm of promoting. The showcasing procedure is deficient w ithout legitimate appropriation and execution of valuing technique. Costs are built up so as to take care of the expenses and make some benefit which is a definitive goal of any organization. At the end of the day, it tends to be said that cost is significant in light of the fact that it brings the benefit which is vital for the endurance of the organization. It is frequently discovered that customers’ assumption about the nature of the item differs with the cost. It is expected that nature of the item increments with the expansion in cost. Advertisers need to consider such supposition and give legitimate significance to the value perspective as needs be.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Americas Favorite Libraries Nominate Yours Today!

Americas Favorite Libraries Nominate Yours Today! (0) Happy National Library Week! This year it falls on the week of April 9-15, 2017. To celebrate these wonderful institutions, the librarians, and the staff who make them amazing, we’d like to shine a light on the best-loved libraries in America . . . and we need your help to do it! Submit the name of your favorite library in our form below and tell us why they are special to you. Well accept nominations from now through April 16, 2017. We’ll release a list of the top picks later in April. Any library that brings you joy is in the running! It could be your old elementary school library where you fell in love reading. It might be a hidden gem like like Hanapepe Public Library (HI) which is tiny but active in its community, the big and beautiful like the Beinecke Rare Book Manuscript Library at Yale University (CT), which holds world treasures on its shelves. Maybe it’s in its own category like the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum at Ohio State University (OH). Could it have historical significance like Sturgis Library in Barnstable (MA), the oldest library in the country? Whatever the reason, whatever the library, we want to hear about it! Nominations have closed. Thank you for everyone for your submissions! Get Involved After voting, visit the official National Library Week website at and learn how to get involved and show your support for our libraries. It could be as small as learning about issues that face libraries today or telling your favorite librarian how much you appreciate them, to actively joining the local Friends of the Library group. Also, to keep up with the celebration on social media, the American Library Association asks supporters to follow “I Love Libraries” on on Facebook and Twitter and the hashtags #NationalLibraryWeek and #LibrariesTransform. © 2001-2017 EasyBib ® a Chegg ® service. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy Terms of Use

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Evaluating Useful to Evaluate Critical Reasoning Questions on the GMAT

In todays post, we will look at how to answer  useful to evaluate Critical Reasoning questions in the Verbal section of the GMAT. Arguably, this  is one of the toughest question types for test-takers to tackle (perhaps right after boldfaced questions). To answer this type  of question, all you will need to do is follow these six simple steps: 1) Identify the conclusion. 2) Ask yourself the question raised by answer choice  A. 3) Answer it with a yes and figure out whether it affects the conclusion. 4) Answer it with a no and figure out whether it affects the conclusion. 5) Repeat this for all other  answer choices. 6) Only one option will affect the conclusion differently in the two cases that is your answer. Let’s illustrate this concept with a problem: In a certain wildlife park, park rangers are able to track the movements of many rhinoceroses because those animals wear radio collars. When, as often happens, a collar slips off, it is put back on. Putting a collar on a rhinoceros involves immobilizing the animal by shooting it with a tranquilizer dart. Female rhinoceroses that have been frequently re-collared have significantly lower fertility rates than uncollared females. Probably, therefore, some substance in the tranquilizer inhibits fertility.   In evaluating the argument, it would be most useful to determine which of the following?   (A) Whether there are more collared female rhinoceroses than uncollared female rhinoceroses in the park.   (B) How the tranquilizer that is used for immobilizing rhinoceroses differs, if at all, from tranquilizers used in working with other large mammals   (C) How often park rangers need to use tranquilizer darts to immobilize rhinoceroses for reasons other than attaching radio collars   (D) Whether male rhinoceroses in the wildlife park lose their collars any more often than the park’s female rhinoceroses do   (E) Whether radio collars are the only practical means that park rangers have for tracking the movements of rhinoceroses in the park First, we need to break down the argument to find the premises and the conclusion: Many rhinoceroses wear radio collars. Often, collars slip. When a collar slips, the animal is shot with a tranquilizer to re-collar. The fertility of frequently re-collared females is less than the  fertility of uncollared females. Conclusion: Some substance in the tranquilizer inhibits fertility. Let’s take a look at each answer choice: (A) Whether there are more collared female rhinoceroses than uncollared female rhinoceroses in the park. Even if  there are more collared female rhinoceroses than uncollared females, this  does not affect the arguments conclusion. This answer choice  talks about collared females vs. uncollared females; we are comparing the fertility of re-collared females with that of uncollared females. Anyway, how many of either type there are doesn’t matter. So, whether you answer yes or no to this question, it is immaterial. (B) How the tranquilizer that is used for immobilizing rhinoceroses differs, if at all, from tranquilizers used in working with other large mammals. This option is comparing the tranquilizers used for rhinoceroses with the tranquilizers used for other large mammals. What the conclusion does, however, is compare collared female rhinoceroses with uncollared female rhinoceroses. Hence, whether you answer â€Å"very different† or â€Å"not different at all† to this question, in the end, it doesn’t matter. (C) How often park rangers need to use tranquilizer darts to immobilize rhinoceroses for reasons other than attaching radio collars. This answer choice can be evaluated in two ways: Very Often Tranquilizers are used very often for uncollared females, too. In this  case, can we still say that â€Å"tranquilizers inhibit fertility†? No! If they did, fertility in uncollared females would have been low, too. Rarely This would strengthen our conclusion. If tranquilizers are not used on uncollared females,  it is possible that something in these tranquilizers inhibits fertility. (D) Whether male rhinoceroses in the wildlife park lose their collars any more often than the park’s female rhinoceroses do. This answer choice is comparing the frequency of tranquilizers used on  male rhinoceroses with the frequency of tranquilizers used on female rhinoceroses. What the conclusion actually does is compare collared female rhinoceroses with uncollared female rhinoceroses. Hence, whether you answer this question  with â€Å"more frequently† or â€Å"not more frequently,  it doesn’t matter. (E) Whether radio collars are the only practical means that park rangers have for tracking the movements of rhinoceroses in the park. This option is comparing radio collars with other means of tracking. What the conclusion does is compare collared female rhinoceroses with uncollared female rhinoceroses. Hence, whether you answer this question  with â€Å"there are other means† or â€Å"there are no other means, again,  it does not matter. Note that only answer choice C affects the conclusion   if you answer the question it raises differently, it affects the conclusion differently. Option C  would be good to know to evaluate the conclusion  of the argument, therefore, the  answer must be C. Now try this question on your own: Following several years of declining advertising sales, the Greenville Times reorganized its advertising sales force two years ago. Before the reorganization, the sales force was organized geographically, with some sales representatives concentrating on city-center businesses and others concentrating on different outlying regions. The reorganization attempted to increase the sales representatives knowledge of clients businesses by having each sales representative deal with only one type of industry or of retailing. After the reorganization, advertising sales increased.   In assessing whether the improvement in advertising sales can properly be attributed to the reorganization, it would be helpful to find out each of the following EXCEPT: (A) Two years ago, what proportion of the Greenville Times’ total revenue was generated by advertising sales? (B) Has the circulation of the Greenville Times increased substantially in the last two years? (C) Has there been a substantial turnover in personnel in the advertising sales force over the last two years? (D) Before the reorganization, had sales representatives found it difficult to keep up with relevant developments in all types of businesses to which they are assigned? (E) Has the economy in Greenville and the surrounding regions been growing rapidly over the last two years? We hope  you will find this post useful to evaluate the â€Å"useful to evaluate† questions! Getting ready to take the GMAT? We have  free online GMAT seminars  running all the time. And, be sure to follow us on  Facebook,  YouTube,  Google+, and  Twitter! Karishma, a Computer Engineer with a keen interest in alternative Mathematical approaches, has mentored students in the continents of Asia, Europe and North America. She teaches the  GMAT  for Veritas Prep and regularly participates in content development projects such as  this blog!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Critical Evaluation of Taylorism and Fordism Essay

Taylorism is also known as scientific management which named after Frederick W. Taylor. It is a production efficiency methodology that breaks works into small and simple segments which can be easily analysed and taught. Taylorism was first mentioned in 1920s and 20 years later. Henry Ford, who was the founder of the Ford Motor Company, used the scientific management in the form of assembly line production as a method on the T-model car production of his company. This kind of production method then was developed into a new efficient methodology which is called Fordism. In this essay, it is going to critically evaluate the main features of Taylorism and compare it to Fordism and other later-developed production methodology. Firstly, it will†¦show more content†¦Although managers understand the market very well and know how to operate the marketing stuff, they do not understand what is happening on shop floor and the production process as well. â€Å"Managers lacked informatio n about workers’ abilities and the time which are reasonably required to perform industrial tasks.†(Rose 1975:33) Still, time is the main problem; the time of the production process is not set by the specific experts who understand the production and can maximum economic returns but the workers themselves who have the characteristic of natural and systematic soldiering. According to Taylor’s solution, the essence of solving inefficiency is to introduce the work study and understand how the work can be done, what can be improved and to capitalize on workers’ rationality and suppress managerial irrationality. Briefly, Taylor’s solution focus on three main broad areas: organisational structure and routine which are represented as ‘thinking department’, the measurement of work and the design of tasks and better production tools which are called ‘work study’, and the selection and motivation of workers by choosing ‘first-class man’ who does best of a particular task. The ‘Thinking Department’ play the role as the ‘shop floor manager’, which is the second principle of Taylorism, â€Å"the ‘brain work’ should be separated from theShow MoreRelatedThe Need for An Adequate Evaluation of Organization Behavior 1596 Words   |  7 Pagesunderstand the what, how and why of organizations (Buchanan Huczynski, 2010) . That is why an adequate evaluation of organizational behaviour is needed. This essay is going to analyse the application of a critical model of thinking to studying organizational behaviour. 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Monday, May 18, 2020

The Cold War Communism And Capitalism - 997 Words

The Cold War When the cold war began, no one thought that it would last as long as it did. Many people thought the war was caused by fighting, and there were some people that thought it was caused by the conflicts of communism and capitalism, so who was right? Well we only know what we read in our history books which says that it was caused by the conflicts of communism and capitalism. Was this the real reason for the cold war? In my essay I will give details about the cold war and tell why the war was started, who started the war, what doctrines were put in place to keep the Soviet Union from spreading communism, and how the Cold War impacted the foreign and domestic policy of the United States. The United States wanted to make sure that freedom and democracy did not die under communist rule. Tensions between the United States and Russia lasted for a long time, and brought about much suspicion, incidents, and almost brought the two superpowers to the break of disaster. The relationship bet ween the United States and Russia was not very good because of the tensions between them. This relationship between the two countries would lead to the United States giving Turkey and Greece the assistance they needed to fight communism. The United States tried their best to keep the world from falling into the hands of communism, which a lot of people were afraid of. The Cold War was an ongoing state of conflict, tension, and competition that would continue throughout WorldShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War : A Battle Between Capitalism And Communism1435 Words   |  6 PagesThe Cold War: A Battle Between Capitalism and Communism The Cold War began not very long after the end of World War II in 1945. Despite the fact that, the Soviet Union was an essential part of the Allied Powers, there was certainly a great amount of distrust between the Soviet Union and what remains of the Allies, specifically the United States. The Allies were worried about Stalin s ruthless leadership and also the spread of communism. The Cold War was a long stretch of tension between the US andRead MoreThe Cold War Was Easy : Capitalism Vs. Communism1402 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The Cold War was easy: Capitalism vs. Communism, West vs. East, Good vs. Evil†¦ however you wanted to define it, the dichotomy was simple to understand. When the Soviet Union officially dissolved in 1991, the New World Order was going to be a little more difficult to define, and to comprehend. The first to try was Francis Fukuyama: With his essay entitled, The End of History he declared â€Å"an unabashed victory of economic and political liberalism†. The resulting, â€Å"triumph of the West†Read MoreThe War Of The Cold War1644 Words   |  7 PagesThe Cold War was a state of political and military tension stemming from World War II fought primarily between the United States and the Soviet Union. Although the start and end dates of the Cold War are frequently disputed over, it is generally accepted that the conflict started at the conclusion of the Second World War and stemmed from the social climate and lingering tensions in Europe and the increasing power struggles between the Soviet Union and the United States. Along with economic separationRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union1233 Words   |  5 PagesThe Cold War is unique among war’s to be not a war between states, but a war between ideologies. The United States and other allies defend s ocial democracy capitalism, as the pinnacle of freedom and equality; and the Soviet Union though communism was the pinnacle of equality. These ideologies manifested themselves through the superpowers, which caused the conflict between them. Both the United States, and the Soviet Union are to blame for the outbreak of the Cold War. The United State’s missionRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union1160 Words   |  5 Pagesconflicts and wars fought over communism and capitalism. One of the longest and intense conflicts was the Cold War. â€Å"The Cold War was a nearly 50-year long period of tense relations between the United States and the Communist-ruled Soviet Union. The Cold War began almost immediately after World War II and ended with the 1991 dismantling of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics† (Turner, 2001-2014 p.1). The Soviets fought to expand communism and destroy capitalismRead MoreThe Cold War1676 Words   |  7 PagesHistorical Context: The Cold War started by the end of the Second World War. The aim of this war was to spread opposing ideologies of Capitalism and Communism by the two world superpowers without the result of a hot war. The war was between the Capitalist West - namely: the United States of America, Britain and France – and Communist East – known to be Russia and all the satellite states which communism had taken over. An agreement made at the Yalta meeting of 1945 was that Germany would be dividedRead MoreCommunism : A Economic System921 Words   |  4 PagesThe Communism is Karl Marx’s ideal economic system, which promotes a central plan economy. A central plan economic is when the government places quotas on companies that manufacturers goods. After the end of World War II the spread of Communism began to raise in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union is the makeup of different European, African, and Asian countries. Communism seem to be a utopia to the poor and working classes of these countries, because of the dismantled the bourgeois and proletarianRead MoreCauses Of The Cold War1716 Words   |  7 PagesThe Cold War, a conflict between the United States and Soviet Union, the two global superpowers at the time. Given the name â€Å"Cold War† only for the fact that neither the Soviet Union nor the United States fought directly with one another, instead the war was waged through allies in the form of proxy wars and through increased use of intensive espionage, a never-ending arms race, immense technological competition and on a political forefront as both sides tried to gain the upper hand. The Cold WarRead MoreEssay The Power of Ideology1484 Words   |  6 Pagesideologies, there would be no call to use such a disparaging weapon. The ideas of influential leaders, both right and wrong, are more potent in war than what is universally understood. The world in actuality is ruled by them, and contrasting ideologies cause massive collateral damage. Confl icting ideologies of Communism and Capitalism were set aside in World War II when the Russians and the Americans united as allies to face Nazi Germany as the common enemy. With the defeat of Germany, Russia and theRead MoreThe World Of A Totalitarian Communist Post War World1352 Words   |  6 PagesWWII Europe was a dystopian world razed by the chaos of the war. In the aftermath, the only two countries in the world left standing that were still considered superpowers were Soviet Russia and the United States. Tension between the two countries was thick. The US saw Russia as the main obstacle in the way of a democratic capitalistic post war world, and Russia saw the US as the main obstacle in the way of a totalitarian communist post war world. The only similarity between the views of the two countries

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Poetry Of Edgar Allan Poe - 949 Words

Writing is like falling in love: at first it can be frightening, but then it blossoms into a life changing experience, colored with vulnerability and freedom. Writing is a very complex art, it is merely the act of placing words on paper, yet those words contain thoughts, and those thoughts feelings. Those feelings can create a beautiful work of art, but only if the writer is willing to let their deepest and darkest thoughts run wild. What influences a writer to create magnificent works of art, are tragedies, issues in society, and the hope of inspiring others. Most writers are inspired to write through the most difficult times in their life. Authors often do this when their grief is too much to bear and they don’t know how to verbally†¦show more content†¦Through the novel with its raw story-line, the readers can feel the horrible mistreatment of the Mexican immigrants, which ultimately inspires readers to want to do something to end the injustice. This was Boyle’s purpose of the book, he desired to open the eyes of those who may not have thought twice of struggling immigrants or those who viewed them in a negative light. Another author who was inspired by a societal issue, is Charlotte Perkin Gilman; Gilman, in her short story, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† writes an eerie and mind-twisting story about a young woman who was depressed and deprived of her freedom of expression, and therefore drives herself insane. Gilman, who herself was depressed, was inspired to create this dangerously good story to inform doc tors that depriving women of expression, especially through such an illness, is simultaneously depriving them of a basic human need. Both Boyle and Gilman were influenced by society’s issues to create their works. Authors observe the problems in society and become passionate about them, and thus transform that passion into literature. Writers look beyond what is surrounding their personal lives, and are inspired to write and make a change in the world. TheShow MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poe s Poetry1327 Words   |  6 PagesThis research paper will focus on Edgar Allan Poe’s poetry. In Charles May’s bibliography of Poe, he states that â€Å"Poe gained great recognition in the early 1840’s for his creation of a genre that has grown in popularity ever since — the tale of ratiocination, or detective story, which features an amateur sleuth who by his superior deductive abilities outsmarts criminals and outclasses the police.† Along with creating the detective genre, he also created a more modern science fiction genre when heRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s Poetry960 Words   |  4 PagesParanormal Poetry Edgar Allan Poe’s poems and short stories reflect his psychological tension during tumultuous and estranged experiences. Major literary themes, centered around great loss and the search for eternal happiness, climax with pristine eloquence in all of his greatest works. Many of Poe’s prevalent portrayals of settings and characters remain unique in popular writings as a result of his own bizarre intimacies. Personal trials and struggles translated into fluent prose throughRead MoreThe Poetry Of Edgar Allan Poe813 Words   |  4 Pages Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most renowned poets to ever live. He has written many great and classic poems such as â€Å"The Raven†, â€Å"Annabel Lee†, and â€Å"A Dream Within a Dream†. Poe grew up with his foster parents and many people believe that this is what led him to write his poems, many people also say that his poems are often too dark. Poe was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston. He had a brother and a sister and by the time Poe was three, they lost their mother to consumption and their father leftRead MorePoetry In Poes The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe937 Words   |  4 Pagesword poetry we immediately think of romance and beauty. However, having read the poem â€Å"The Raven† by Edgar Allan Poe, we have concluded that even dark and gloomy poetry has its own meaning. While going through its stanzas, the magnificent style and rhythm of Poe’s writing made me feel like I also was in the room with the narrator. The poem itself is an incredible experience, filled with deep meanings and symbols that if you’re not aware of them you can totally misunderstand the plot. Poetry is anRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe- the Similarities Between Life and Poetry1380 Words   |  6 PagesPoetry is the manner one would express very complex feelings or emotions. Many poets who connect with their audiences are able to describe, in writing, the emotion of a certain situation. These poems become autobiographical in the sense that the poem is drawn from the poets own situation and observations. Often, in classical poetry, a poet is able to capture the emotion of the situation so that the reader can make a connection. One of the greatest exponents of this was Edgar Allan Poe. He was ableRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado, By Edgar Allan Poe And Eating Poetry847 Words   |  4 PagesW.H. Auden once said, â€Å"Poetry is the clear expression of mixed feelings.† When comparing â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† by Edgar Allan Poe and â€Å"Eating Poetry† by Mark Strand their works incorporate horrid elements within their works, which creates apprehension in the reader. The writing styles of these authors provoke this apprehension. The similar characteristics of â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† and â€Å"Eating Poetry†, including captivating introductions that present an eerie setting, use of theatrical imageryRead MoreAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s Poetry915 Words   |  4 Pages Edgar Allan Poe was one of the greatest writers of the 19th century. He is is well known for his gothic themes and disturbing characters. Unfortunately, Poe lived a life full of sorrow and pain, having nearly everyone he loved die. His poem Alone is said to have been a confessional poem, recalling how Poe felt growing up. Poe’s use of repetition, metaphors, and imagery all aid in bringing the reader closer to understanding what was going on in Poe’s mind. The poem Alone was not published untilRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s Life1308 Words   |  6 PagesPoe was born on January 19, 1809. Poe was born into a family that was high respected and very public, so Poe was destined to have a public career (Dameron and Jacobs). When Poe was two, his parents died (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe†) and his remaining family was split up into three different foster parents/homes. His oldest brother, William, lived with Poe’s grandfather from his father’s side of the family. Poe’s youngest sibling, Rosalie, lived with William Mackenzie. Poe went with John Allan whose wife wasRead More The Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe Essay1499 Words   |  6 PagesThe Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe What was the mystery of Edgar Allan Poe? Why was he so special? He was special because he helped change poetry by giving it different focuses. Through looking at Edgar Allan Poes life, we will understand what motivated him to write what he did, what the meaning was behind these works, and how this changed poetry. Before Edgar Allan Poe, the common belief was that poetry should be about Truth, and that it should impart some morals. Poe disagreed, and stronglyRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe : The Tale Heart, The Fall Of The House Of Usher, And Annabel Lee Essay1372 Words   |  6 PagesEdgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is well known for his poetry. Edgar Allan Poe was not only a world renowned poet, but he is also known as being a writer of short stories, as well as known for being a critic. Edgar Allan Poe has many literary works; quite possibly the most famous one being The Raven. Some of Edgar Allan Poe’s other famous works include The Tell-Tale Heart, The Fall of the House of Usher, and Annabel Lee. Edgar Allan Poe is also known as being a Romanticist, due to the fact

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

CT270 Principles Of Supporting Young People With A...

CT270 Principles of Supporting Young People With a Disability To Make the Transition into Adulthood. 1. Understand the steps and stages of moving from childhood to adulthood. 1.1 Identify the range of physical, social and emotional changes which occur for young people as they move into adult. Fear of the unknown Acceptance from the general population Involvement in the process Choice, control and independence 1.2 Explain the changes faced by young people as they move from childhood into adulthood in relation to their: freedoms, rights and responsibilities. As a young person moves from childhood into adulthood there are many changes that they will face with freedoms, rights and responsibilities. These may include changes in their†¦show more content†¦Time By starting the transition period sooner it allows the young person time to decide with help what they want from adulthood and gives professionals the chance to implement these things for the young person. Choices The young person is at the centre of the transition process so they should be given all of the options to make their own choices regarding their future. With the aid of professionals and family members this is more than achievable. Outside Agencies Outside agencies may be used to aid the young person in the transition process, these may include child/adult social care, the learning disabilities team, CAHMS and organisations like Grapevine. 2.4 Explain how legislation and local and national practice guidelines affect the planning of the transition for a young person with a disability from childhood into adulthood. The Children’s Act 1989 Section 17 of the Children Act 1989 places a duty on local authorities to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in need and to promote the upbringing of children by their families, so far as this is consistent with their welfare duty to the child, by providing an appropriate range and level of services. A child in need is one who is disabled, or unlikely either to achieve a reasonable standard of health or whose health or development will suffer unless services are provided. NHS and Community Care Act 1990, S47 If, during the Section 47(1) assessment the person

Lowry’s The Giver Free Essays

Character isolationism and the struggles surrounding solitude are recurring themes in many great pieces of literature. Lowry’s The Giver is an excellent work of contemporary fiction whose main character, Jonas, struggles with such a burden. In order to properly identify character relationships of isolation, I will compare and contrast The Giver with two other well-known pieces of adolescent literature: The Outsiders by S. We will write a custom essay sample on Lowry’s The Giver or any similar topic only for you Order Now E. Hinton and Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. Jonas, in The Giver, views his hometown as the perfect place, a utopia that is self-contained and free of ruinous element such as conflict, illness, divorce, and inequality. He comes from a loving, demonstrative family unit: father, mother, one brother, one sister. Everyone in his hometown fits this perfectly balanced poster-family mold. It’s a gift-wrapped location to raise a family, or so we are led to believe. His family, as are all families in this utopia-like society, has good communication methods and are supportive of one another. Lowry creates such a background to impact his theme of a protagonist teetering into the realm of isolationism. The author uses the omniscient point of view of Jonas throughout the story. As the reader envisions the story solely through Jonas, we see his family is supposed shares their feelings and emotions when issues arise. It’s almost too perfect. Yet perfection\ diminishes when we discover, through foreshadowing, that a certain pilot who was in a plane crash was to be â€Å"released from the community. † The speaker’s voice takes the situation lightly, even with a hint of humor—a marker that something is amiss. One of the main themes in The Giver is individuality verses conformity. This parallels Jonas’s struggles with isolationism. Lowry leads us to believe in this utopia. Yet, as Jonas and other children freely choose jobs to increase their own knowledge base, it becomes apparent that the Elders have another purpose for them. The Elder will be choosing what direction their future will go once they are twelve years-old. Later, Jonas shares a provocative dream he had about Fiona. Jonas is pleased with the pleasure his dream brings to him. Lowry wrote, And the nakedness, too. It was against the rules for children or adults to look at another’s nakedness; but the rule did not apply to newchildren or the Old. (p. 30) This statement speaks volumes about the sexual racism and tensions that were prevalent in the society of The Giver which can be compared to the pressures that revolved around the status of wealth in The Outsiders and Catcher in the Rye. The Giver’s protagonist accepts this rule as Lowry responds to the rule against seeing other people naked. Jonas was glad. It was a nuisance to keep oneself covered while changing for games, and the required apology if one had by mistake glimpsed another’s body was always awkward. (p. 30) The author gives us subtle hints of Jonas’s isolation that is to come. He liked the safety here in this warm and quiet room (p 30) According to the Elders ‘touching’ other people outside of one’s immediate family was deemed rude and inappropriate behavior. His mother informs him that he’ll be taking a pill to help him. This is one more way for the Elders to control their youth. In event, this leads to Jonas into isolationism. Jonas begins to feel sad. When Gabe is actually allowed to live with Jonas’s family, the community sets boundaries. Gabe can stay but they are not allowed to become emotionally attached to him. The communities’ means of controlling its people sinks Jonas further into isolation. Jonas speaks with the Chief Elder in chapter eight, bringing to light the impact of his isolation. The Chief Elder says, â€Å"But you will be faced now,† she explained gently, â€Å"with pain of a magnitude that none of us here can comprehend because it’s beyond our experience†¦. So, because the Elders, hid their true motive, children are torn emotionally from what was to be a perfect life. When we consider the novel, The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton we find many parallels with The Giver. Both have themes centered on isolationism and what sort of grave effects it can have on an individual, a family, or a town. There are also contrasting differences in these two novels. Both of w hich will be discussed in detail. The Outsiders is a story of two teenage gangs: the socs and the greasers. This novel is a classic East versus West scenario in a small Oklahoma town in the 1960’s. The soc’s—which is an abbreviation for socials—is a gang of affluent teenage hoodlums that drive fast cars, get the pretty girls, and have the social markings of upper class due to their family’s economic status. The greasers are the gang of teenage boys that come from the lower class, most being raised in broken homes where mom or dad—or sometimes neither parent—is around to provide guidance. One contrasting difference here is the fact that The Giver opens with families living in a utopia-like geographic area where every single family fits the perfect family unit of a father, mother, and two siblings. This family unit is structured with communication skills as well where issues are discussed on a daily basis. There are no racial tension or inequality issues to speak of in The Giver, either. S. E. Hinton, on the other hand, creates a real-life scenario that parallel’s lifestyles in Oklahoma in the 1960’s—which is when the book was written by an actual teenager. Thus, The Outsiders displays how dysfunctional families operate. There is constant conflict among siblings and taunting between the greasers and the socs. Being in a gang instantly offers the teenage-societies an extended family. They trust one another and wound die for each other. The families within the gang understand one another because they can relate to one another’s pain and suffering. Even when they are faced with such constant emotional struggles, physical entanglements, and trouble with law enforcement, the gang members are on the same wave-length and follow one another. In The Giver, the families live in an apparent pristine environment that directly opposes this. The parents and children form proper communication channels by discussing issues at dinnertime. Some of the characters in the Outsiders are lucky if they get dinner every night. Yet, the path of isolationism for Jonas is the genesis for the character’s circumstances. He cannot free himself of this downward spiral, even when he’s placed in such a positive environment. S. E. Hinton, on the other hand, displays characters coming together in the worst of times. Another parallel, in The Outsiders, ties into the issue of separation from family. Here, teens are often led to see things as only right or wrong. But, as we know, circumstances in life are rarely black and white. Too many intricacies are involved when teens are struggling to survive and discover their way to be viewed as simply all-right or all-wrong. The protagonists in both Hinton’s and Lowry’s novel have underlying subplots of youths trying to discover their place in life. Another comparison is the fact that both authors play into the common-knowledge ideal that says, life isn’t fair. Whether life is fair to the soc’s or the greasers is seen differently. The soc’s desire the glamour and status that goes along with their affluent upbringing. The greasers, on the other hand, desire a different image. They don’t want to be associated with the upper crust of society. According to a greaser, the money, clothes, and cars, are the last thing they’d ever view as a priority in life. In fact, they despise them, mainly for how society treats the lower class. However, both gangs are products of a lifestyle where parental upbringing doesn’t show respect to their children because parents are unwilling to listen to the youth’s ideas, desires, and needs. These are the precise components that led to Jonas’s separation from the family unit. In the novel, Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, we find similar connections in the background of each story. Both novels depict a protagonist coming from an affluent upbringing. Salinger’s novel is set in a post World War II time when the nation was trying to make a financial recovery. Holden goes to a private school and money is of no concern to him, his family, or his immediate peer group. The breadwinner in Catcher in the Rye, Holden’s father, is a corporate attorney that is only interested in money, golf, and fancy toys such as classy cars. Freedom from financial concerns is a comparative attribute for Holden and Jonas. Holden and his father don’t understand one another which can be compared to Jonas and a discussion he has with the Elders in Chapter 20. â€Å"What about you? Do you lie to me, too? † Jonas almost spat the question at The Giver. â€Å"I am empowered to lie. † This grave scene in The Giver brings to light how painful an entire childhood can be. It’s the parents and Elders were not true to their children and thus impacts the life of our protagonist. Holden’s father is also blinded by money and his status as a corporate lawyer. This puts barriers up between him and his son. These barriers are like lying to Holden, causing him harm as he tries to find his place in society. Just as Jonas is the protagonist and narrator, Holden is also the narrator and protagonist of Catcher in the Rye. The impact of the stories theme and character relationships in both stories can be felt on a deeper level when we experience the story solely through the protagonist’s eye. Another contrasting element between the protagonists for S. E. Hinton and J. D. Salinger is how the characters are introduced to the story. It is very clear that Holden is struggling with life. He is 16 years-old with partially gray hair, thin, and out of shape. He smokes cigarettes as well. Jonas, on the other hand, is raised in this Eden-like village where everyone moves through life free of stress and ailments. Furthermore, Holden is an angry teen who is very confused and depressed. He also displays characteristics of bigotry which contrasts Jonas’s lifestyle of equality. Holton, however, is an evil person but he can be kind and even thoughtful which matches the characteristic expectations of the children in The Giver. In fact, almost every person had similar physical features as can be seen in the following citation: Almost every citizen in the community had dark eyes. His parents did, and Lily did, and so did all of his group members and friends (p. 20). Yet a distinction is drawn in Jonas as the author followed the above citation with this: But there are a few exceptions: Jonas, himself, and a female Five who he had noticed the different, lighter eyes. Thus, we are given hints of Jonas’s differences. This contrasts the obvious struggles that are in Holton’s persona. As I looked collectively at the comparisons and contrasting differences between The Giver and the two other novels, I found the likenesses to be more apparent than the differences. Each of the novels under study all had a theme of isolationism. On top of this, the protagonists and most of the minor characters in all the novels were children and young adults who struggled with loss, depression, conflict, and illness. Each story brought the reality of separation and isolationism to light as the youth banded together to overcome obstacles. The stories display how great an impact deceit, control, and lack of compassion can have on individuals growing into adulthood. People can shut down and sink into isolation. The burden of all this can either lead people away from following their dreams—sometimes destroying themselves into a pit of isolation. The strong-willed, however, find a way to learn from these challenging situations and discover ways to help themselves so that they, in turn, can help friends and loved ones. How to cite Lowry’s The Giver, Papers

Information Technology and Tourism Education

Question: Discuss about the Information Technology and Tourism Education. Answer: Introduction With the growth in the accounting software programs, there have been applications for which there is a possibility to handle the installation process with the customization and the other supporting services. These are mainly based on the types of the personal accounting with the management of the budgets and the simple accounting reconciliation. The lower end markets and the other products induce the single entry with the double entry system that has not been under the GAAP or the IFRS/FASB compliant. (Peters et al., 2010). The markets work on the smaller development team with the increased risks of customization. Accounting Software Types There are methods which hold on the business needs as per the small and the personalized accounting with the hold of the functions. These are the lower end and which can work on the different marketing patterns with the entry of the products in the single form with the larger business output. The software operates on the needs of the accountancy as well as the other current standards. With the changing efficiencies, there are certain industry standard database and the tools which focus on the handling of information management system with the project accounting modules. The tools are mainly to handle the configuration along with working with the administration of budgets, simple accounting reconciliation, and the other marketing end products. (Lucas et al., 1987). Also, there is a need to focus on the payrolls with the reports to print out the data and work on purchasing of the acquisitions. History Considering the general ledger, there is an assigned pages book which reflects the cash, receivables, and the other accounting details. The pattern is based on the transactions of the manual registration process. The company Intuit has been able to work on the computation of the software with the other financial, personal factors. The Turbo Tax and the other calculations are based on the small and the middle sized accounting of the organizations. Companies working for accounting As per the research, there are MYOB, Reckon, Intuit and Xero who has been working for the same. The Intuit has been the Australian small enterprise which operates on the charging and holding the degree of the features. This can handle the profits, costs as well as the income patterns. (Daniele et al., 1999). MYOB has been working on the commercialized enterprise products with the economic operations. This is for the store sign ups and the other sales transactions. Reckon has been able to achieve the higher quality of the accounting with the book keeping with the less cost computation of the cloud for the different small and the medium sized companies. The platform is mainly for the debiting and the crediting cards. Current Market With the hold of the competition, the companies like the Xeros has been able to work on keeping the product with the effectiveness. The QuickBooks has been focusing on the on-line of the US Intuit. With the changing situations, there has been a change in the brand new customer interface for QBO where the company has been able to bring in the allocations for Australia to the products along with employing the teams of the workers with the opened places for Australia. There have been licensed companions who have been prepared for the different marketing campaigns to work on the hearts and the wallets of the Australian companies. (Edmundson et al., 1984). With the changing growth and development, the technologies can hold the manual journal entries with certain technological innovations. Market Leaders and Their competitive advantage The segments are based on holding the big shares in the corporations of Australia. The entire focus has been on the international government to manage the work and concentrate on the SaaS financial considerations to execute the Board. The company Xero has been able to build upon the strategic relationship which includes the accounting platforms with the massive patterns to come over on the holding ranges of the region. With the research, Xero works on the setting of the better solutions in the third party. The entire pattern focuses on the variety of the agencies to allow and work on the incorporated business patterns which will be holding the integration to include the receipts of the banks and the other payrolls. The extra charge is levied on the surrounding applications to work on the other 300 systems. The 20% is based on working over the different editions which will be able to work on the programs that have a top class merchandise with the attachment to the 40% growth. Challenges There have been challenges related to the customized built application which includes the smaller development of the team with the increased risks. This will be able to set the support with the reduced availability pattern along with handling the cost of implementation. The major focus has been on the specific processes of the company which is considered to be highly customizable. The higher end market is holding the cases of configuration, integration, and the customization which will be holding the concepts related to the enterprise resource planning. (Perera et al., 2005). Recommendation With the changing technology and the growth, the companies need to setup with the internet connections of the accounting software. These are mainly based on SaaS accounting where there is a need to create and work on the recurring charges instead of the larger license fee charge. The adoption rate is for the increasing points where the entire legacy is based on forcing the online versions. The clouding software is to achieve the rapid adopting which will help in setting the monthly subscription pattern. Conclusion With the changing technology, there is a need to focus on the hybrid solutions where the software vendors need to work on the lower prices. The changes have been set with the advanced features and a scalable database pattern with the larger growth in size. With a proper expansion, the work is based on handling the connections of the multiple different locations where the operating software as a service is necessary for the accessibility of the operations on the network. Reference Peters, G.M., Wiedemann, S.G., Rowley, H.V. and Tucker, R.W., 2010. Accounting for water use in Australian red meat production.The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,15(3), pp.311-320. Lucas Jr, H.C., Walton, E.J. and Ginzberg, M.J., 1987. Implementing packaged software.Information Systems Working Papers Series, Vol. Daniele, R. and Mistilis, N., 1999. Information technology and tourism education in Australia: an industry view of skills and qualities required in graduates. InInformation and Communication Technologies in Tourism 1999(pp. 140-150). Springer Vienna. Edmundson, R.H. and Jeffery, D.R., 1984. The impact of requirements analysis upon user satisfaction with packaged software.Information Management,7(2), pp.83-90. Perera, B.J.C., James, B. and Kularathna, M.D.U., 2005. Computer software tool REALM for sustainable water allocation and management.Journal of Environmental Management,77(4), pp.291-300.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Life and Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi free essay sample

Life and thoughts of mahatma Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in 1869 in the coastal town of Porbandar, one of scores of tiny princely states and now part of thelndian state of Gujarat. Although the Gandhis, meaning grocers, were merchants by caste, they had risen to important political positions. Mohandass father was the chief administrator and member of the court of Porbandar, and his grandfather that of the adjacent tiny state of Junagadh. Gandhi grew up in an eclectic religious environment. His parents were followers of the largely devotional Hindu cult of Vishnu (or Vaishnavites). His mother elonged to the Pranami sect, which combined Hindu and Muslim religious beliefs, gave equal honour to the sacred books of the Vaishnavites and the Koran, and preached religious harmony. Her religious fasts and vows, observed without exception all her life, left an abiding impression on her son. His fathers friends included many Jains who preached a strict doctrine of nonviolence and self- discipline. Gandhi was also exposed to Christian missionaries, but Christianity was not a significant presence in his childhood. Like many Hindus he unselfconsciously imbibed a variety of religious beliefs, but had no deep knowledge of any religious radition including his own. Gandhi was a shy and mediocre student, and completed his school education with average results. He was married to Kasturba when they were both 13 years of age, an experience that turned him into a bitter enemy of child marriage. Sex understandably obsessed him greatly in his early years. One night when he was 16 years of age, he left his dying father to spend some time with his wife. His fathers death during his short absence hurt him deeply. Although many commentators have used this incident to explain his hostility to sex, there is little real evidence to support this view. In his autobiography Gandhi only said the incident created a deep sense of shame in him. What is more, he continued to enjoy his wifes company for several years afterwards and went on to raise four sons. He did not become seriously interested in celibacy until nearly 16 years after the incident and, although the sense of guilt played a part, his real reason was a desire to conserve his physical and spiritual energies for the important political struggles on which he had then embarked. Gandhi left for England in 1888 to train as a lawyer, after giving a pledge to his mother that he would avoid wine, women, and meat. In the early months he lived the life of an English gentleman, buying himself a morning suit, a top hat, and a silver-headed cane, and taking lessons in dancing, elocution, and the violin. As the money ran out and after he had narrowly escaped a sexual temptation, better sense prevailed, and Gandhi turned to the more serious aspects of English life. Like many other colonial leaders he discovered the West and the East at more or less the same time, and one through the other. He read widely about British and European law and politics, interacted with theosophists, and studied Christianity, inding the Old Testament somewhat disagreeable but the New deeply moving. He also read about his own religious tradition, especially the Gita and Edwin Arnolds Light of Asia, which respectively initiated him into the Hindu and Buddhist Gandhis legal career in India was disappointing. He was too shy to open his mouth in court and had to give away his first barristers brief to a colleague. He turned to drafting applications and managed to make ends meet. However, the work did not interest him much, and it also exposed him to court intrigues which he found tiresome. When a Muslim firm in South Africa sought his services as a lawyer and a orrespondence clerk, Gandhi readily accepted the offer. He sailed for South Africa in 1893 intending to spend a year there but instead stayed on for 21 years. South Africa South Africa was a turning point in Gandhis life. It confronted him with many unusual experiences and challenges, and profoundly transformed him. Within a week of his arrival he had an experience that changed the course of his life. When travelling from Durban to Pretoria, he was thrown out of a train in the middle of the night for daring to travel firstclass, and spent the rest of the night shivering in the waiting room at Petermaritzburg station. The distraught Gandhi debated whether to return to India or stay on and fght for his rights, and resolved to do the latter. The next day he travelled to Charlestown without difficulty, but the driver of the stagecoach that carried him to Johannesburg refused to let him travel inside, and asked him to sit next to him. Gandhi reluctantly agreed. Later he was asked to move and sit on a mat on the floor. Smarting under a sense of injustice, he refused, whereupon the driver started beating him and tried to push him off the coach until his fellow passengers saved him. Some months later he was kicked into the gutter by sentry for daring to walk past President Krugers house in Pretoria . Indians who had begun to migrate to South Africa from the 1860s as indentured labourers to work on sugar and coffee plantations suffered all kinds of indignities and discrimination, especially in Natal and Transvaal, where they were heavily concentrated. In April 1894, when Gandhi was about to return to India for good, the legislature of Natal was debating the Indian Franchise Bill, which would have taken away Indians voting rights. Gandhis Muslim employer urged him to stay on to lead the fight, and he readily agreed. He founded the Natal Indian Congress and his campaign succeeded in partially reducing the harshness of the Bill. His similar campaigns against immigration restrictions and discriminatory licensing laws were much less successful. He increasingly began to complain that constitutional pressures, petitions, and rational persuasion were making no impact on prejudiced minds, and wondered what else he should do. He found the answer a few years later. When Transvaal passed a law in 1907 requiring the registration and fingerprinting of all Indians and giving the police the power to enter their houses to nsure that the inhabitants were registered, Gandhi hit upon his well-known method of satya-graha. It was a form of non-violent resistance and involved peaceful picketing of registration centres, burning registration cards, courting arrest, and gracefully accepting such punishment as was meted out. Gandhis protest resulted in some concessions which, however, fell short of his original demands. It was followed measures as the imposition of poll tax, the refusal to recognize Indian marriages, immigration regulations, and the system of indentured labour. This had greater uccess and led to the passage of the Indian Relief Act in 1914. During his 21 years in South Africa, Gandhis ways of thought and life underwent important changes. Indeed the two became inseparable for him. Thought came to have no meaning for him unless it was lived out, and life was shallow unless it reflected a carefully thought-out vision of life. Every time Gandhi came across a new idea, he asked if it was worth living up to. If not, he took no further interest in it. But if the answer was in the affirmative, he integrated it into his way of life, experimented with its truth, and xplored its moral logic. This approach deeply influenced his attitude to books. He read little, and only what was practically relevant. But when a book gripped his imagination, he meditated on it, brooded over its message, put its central ideas into action, and grew from truth to truth. He mainly read religious and moral literature including Platos Apology and William Salters Ethical Religion (1889), the first of which he translated and the second summarized into his native Gujarati. Three books that influenced him deeply during his stay in South Africa were Henry Thoreaus On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (1847), a masterly treatise; Tolstoys The Kingdom of God Is Within You (1893), which overwhelmed him and in which he claimed to have first discovered the doctrine of non-violence and love; and John Ruskins Unto this Last (1862), whose magical influence was a turning point in his life (A 250). Inspired by Ruskin, Gandhi decided to live an austere life on a commune, at first on the Phoenix Farm in Natal and then on the Tolstoy Farm Just outside Johannesburg. During this period Gandhi embarked on a number of experiments involving diet, child-rearing, ature cure, and his personal and professional life. Under the influence of a medical book that greatly impressed him, he even delivered his fourth son himself. He became convinced that a political leader must be morally pure, and embarked on a programme of personal moral development. Constantly challenged by the ubiquitous Christian missionaries to explain and defend his religious beliefs convincingly or convert to Christianity, Gandhi often felt lost. The Hindu concepts of a-tman (soul) and moksha (liberation) puzzled him greatly, and he had to write to his mentor Raichandbhai in India for clarification and guidance. Since Gandhi learned about his religion in South Africa in a confrontational context and without access to a rich and living Hindu tradition, his knowledge of it was largely based on reading and reflection, and remained shallow and abstract. Like many other things in his life, he made up his brand of Hinduism as he went along, with all the attendant advantages and disadvantages. In South Africa Gandhi made close Jewish friends, one of whom bought the 1,100-acre Tolstoy Farm for him, and acquired considerable knowledge of the beliefs and practices of the only major religion to which he had not hitherto been xposed. He called Jews the untouchables of Christianity whose persecution, like that of their Hindu counterparts, was based on a deeply corrupted and gross misreading of a great religion. Gandhi also cultivated close Christian friends, especially the British missionary C. F. Andrews (1871-1940), of whom he said that there was no one else to whom he had a deeper attachment. Under their influence Gandhi renewed his study of Christianity and integrated several aspects of it into his brand of in the image of crucifixion. The image haunted him all his life and became the source of some of his deepest passions. He wept before it when he visited the Vatican in Rome in 1931; the bare walls of his Sevagram ashram made an exception in favour of it; Isaac Wattss When I survey the wondrous Cross, which offers a moving portrayal of Christs sorrow and sacrifice and ends with love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all, was one of his favourite hymns; and in many dark moments of his life he articulated his suffering in the image of Christ on the Cross. In South Africa Gandhi acquired political skills and learned lessons, some of which served him well and others ill on his return to India. He understood the value of Journalism, and started and used the weekly Indian Opinion to propagate his ideas. He also saw how demoralized and incapable of concerted action his countrymen had become. Rather than fght for their rights, they expected others to do it for them and in the meantime circumvented discriminatory rules by bribing government officials. Not surprisingly he repeatedly rebuked them, urged them to rebel against themselves, and warned them that those who behave like worms should not blame others for trampling upon them. Gandhi also learned the art of self-projection and political networking. He wrote about his work to influential people abroad including Tolstoy, assiduously cultivated important Indian and British leaders, and ensured that his activities were well reported in India and Britain. In South Africa he had little difficulty uniting Hindu and Muslim traders, many of whom shared a common language and culture. He generalized this experience and both underestimated the distance between the two communities in India and exaggerated his own ability to bridge it. First Campaign in India: Emancipation of the Untouchables The First World War broke out when Gandhi was returning to India via London. He landed in Bombay on January 9,191 5, when he was 45. He was already a moderate, non-violent revolutionary, and destined to become still more so. He was a man of uncompromising stands and stern ideals. His search for the absolute often seemed to be a search for the impossible, yet he was always ready to seize any realistic opportunities. He was, in his own words, a practical idealist. Moreover, while eschewing strictly political functions of any kind, he frequently entered the political arena. In his eyes, religion merged imperceptibly into ethics, and ethics into social nd political life, and the key to the human problems he wished to solve was often to be found in the realm of state decisions. After a voyage of reconnaissance across the length and breadth of India, Gandhi founded the Satyagraha Ashram at the gates of Ahmedabad, on May 25, 1915. Like the settlements he had started in South Africa, it was to be a place of retreat where he could teach, plan his campaign, pray, write, and study. At first the settlement housed about 25 people, men and women of all ages. Some came from the Phoenix and Tolstoy farms in South Africa, others from different parts of India. Gandhi also took in, on an equal footing, a family of Untouchables, which caused trouble within the ashram and raised a storm outside. But otherwise, how could Indias foreign masters be required to show respect for human dignity in people? Gandhi thus found himself in open conflict with the traditional organization of Hindu society, the caste system. He approached the question as a moral rather than a social problem. Gandhi was not basically opposed to the caste system as such. He was aware of the services it had rendered in the past and recognized the value of a social order based on the respective duties of its members rather than on he clash between their respective rights. But he never ceased to denounce the abuses, aberrations and harshness that had deformed it. He demanded a radical reform of its principles and practice. The contempt shown to the Untouchables was particularly abhorrent to him. He found a new name for them: Harijans (Children of God). He desired to emancipate and rehabilitate them With in the Hindu society which had wronged them. He would be satisfied with nothing less. In 1915, with the world plunged into war, Gandhi refrained from using Satyagraha as a weapon against the British Empire. The first non-violent campaigns he launched on Indian oil were directed against the indigo planters at Champaran in Bihar, for their abusive treatment of tenant farmers, and against the owners of the Ahmedabad spinning mills whose employees were underpaid and overworked. But Gandhi co- operated with the Empire. By his loyalty and generosity, he hoped to compel the loyalty and generosity of the British people, whom he respected, and indeed loved. Imprisonment, Fasting, Strikes, Mass Demonstration The years 1918-1919 brought a decisive reversal of Gandhis policy: co-operation with the Imperial Government in New Delhi gave place to non-co-operation. The immediate cause of the break was the passing of emergency laws that prolonged certain wartime restrictions. Gandhi and some of his followers denounced the laws as unjustified and incompatible with the dignity of free citizens, especially in time of peace. The new leader of the Indian nationalist movement for without seeking in any way to be its head, Gandhi was so recognized as such kept two aims clearly in mind: to maintain at all costs the strictly non-violent nature of his campaign, despite the wavering faith of even staunch disciples and the indiscipline among rank and file; nd never to lose sight of the goal of political freedom for India, which, as was now realized, would not readily be granted. To achieve the first aim, the most determined civil disobedience refusal to bow to injustice or to co-operate with its perpetrators did not, in Gandhis view, Justify the use of violence. The revindication of legitimate rights through self-sacrifice and self-purification, acceptance of blows and imprisonment, and abstention from all violence to people or property, he affirmed, alone would being about true, unblemished national independence. Non- iolent strikes, mass demonstrations, fasts of protest took place year after year until the ultimate goal was attained. Between 1918 and 1948, Gandhi undertook at least 15 long fasts: three lasted for 21 days and two he vowed to continue indefinitely until his death from starvation if his demands were not met. There were times when the situation eased, but even then Gandhi never relaxed his vigilance. To the Indian National congress and the entire nation, Gandhi had become a respected leader to whom they gave enthusiastic support. But not everyone understood the absolute necessity of Satyagraha. Gandhi had the courage to disown and even to call marred by serious violence, in February 1922. Gandhis Salt March Although disappointed in his own supporters, and harshly treated by the authorities, the Mahatma never lost heart. Two periodicals, an English language weekly, YOUNG India, and NavaJivan a Gujarati weekly, placed themselves at his disposal. In articles which he wrote for each issue, he explained the true significance of his doctrine and his action: not only to do away with existing wrongs, but to build with patience and devotion a truly Just society, in which he himself gave the lead by founding the Village Industries Association and two new ashrams at Wardha and Segaon. Outstanding events not yet mentioned were the declaration of the War of Independence on March 12, 1930, followed immediately by the famous salt march, and inspired protest against the government salt monopoly, regarded as a symbol of oppression; Gandhis part in the Round Table Conference (London, 1931); his extended fasts on behalf of the Untouchables (1932-33); and his approval of the 1937 provincial elections. Quit India! During the Second World War, India wished to share in the war effort, on a strictly qual footing with the Dominions. Gandhi was at first inclined, as in 1914-18, not to oppose the arming of the country, but government policy caused him to change his views. In October 1940, he launched a campaign of civil, non-violent resistance to participation in the war. On July 14, 1942, Congress voted a resolution calling on the British to quit India. At the end of the war, negotiations were resumed between the British authorities and the Indian nationalists, with Gandhi playing a decisive, though unofficial part. On August 15, 1947, India acceded to full independence. But the onflict between Hindus and Muslims, often stifled but always latent, flared up again at the moment with tragic consequences. An Assassins Bullet The Moslem League would not accept the idea of the powerful Islamic minority about a quarter of the population being governed by the Hindu majority. Sick at heart, Gandhi and his companions had to agree to the vivisection of the country, and August 15, 1947, marked both the liberation of India, vainly imagined to be indivisible, and its partition into two separate nations: the Indian Union and Pakistan. These hopes and disappointments were accompanied by a tragic equence of riots, violence and brutality. Gandhi, who had always worked for understanding between the two communities, was tormented by the setback to his efforts. He would not stand by while evil stalked the land and, although aged 77, he set out on foot across the areas ravaged by misery and hatred to act as peacemaker, well knowing that his life was a target for fanaticism. On January 30, 1948, an Muslims remaining in the Indian Union, and regarded him as a traitor, shot him dead. Thus Gandhi paid to the cause of non-violence, which he upheld as a universal ideal within the reach of all, the supreme sacrifice of his own life.