Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Decisions In Paradise Part 1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Decisions In Paradise Part 1 - Research Paper Example Our organization would be establish a greater presence in Kava and contribute towards its socio-economic development through creating employment opportunities and become proactive participant in community development. There is a huge problem of unemployment as the government seems to lack necessary financial resources to establish industries and infrastructure. Despite having the support of state and military, terrorism is active from within and outside the region which is creating unstable environment for global businesses and adversely impacting the local economy. It is often seen that fast urbanization and the technological advancements have been responsible for global climate change which may have contributed to the increased frequency of natural calamities, throughout the world. Kava too is prone to natural disasters and at the same time external factors like terrorism and internal strife, has produced many securities among the local population. Hence, one needs to apply the technique of decision making that would help to decide on the projects that are best suited to benefit both Kava people and our organization. The strategy would need to take the following salient points into consideration: ‘Decision matrices are most effective where you have a number of good alternatives and many factors to take into account’ (grid analysis, internet). Decision Matrix Analysis would facilitate us to reach to the right decision because it incorporates a huge range of factors for the various projects that can be started here. The organization would be using the local raw material and would be providing employment to the local population which has diverse socio-cultural ideology. The multicultural workforce with conflicting ideologies may pose serious problems for the management and may have adverse impact on the business outcome. The natural disasters and terrorism from within and outside the country is another

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Human Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human Service - Essay Example Supported Employment is defined as integrated work environment offering competitive work to people with significant disabilities together with the support to enable them perform their functions (Anthony, 2005, Pg.2). Before the introduction of supported employment, people with significant disabilities had very few options for work such as special segregated workshops and work activity programs. Moreover, supported employment programs have enabled the disabled to access personalized and continuing support in competitive work setting, thus integrating the community workforce and presenting the disabled with opportunity to work in competitive employment. The introduction and development of the SE was very innovative and ambitious in that, first, placement into jobs was achieved faster without much job preparation found in sheltered workshops; secondly, support was assured for all the time needed in the competitive job; thirdly, there was general assumption that all people regardless of their disabilities can perform important and productive work in a normal work environment (Anthony, 2005, P.2). With these approaches, the SE introduced a rapid departure from the conservative services for the state VR agencies and permanent support agencies supporting persons with severe disabilities. The SE was a hybrid of the two systems aimed at supporting the severely disabled in community jobs. Moreover, the SE transformed the funding system of the VR agencies and the permanent services agencies, with the former starting to fund extensive work setting supports to more needy groups than previously catered for and the later started funding work related services in competitive work environments. The SE was originally crafted for people with developmental disabilities and later was incorporated into psychiatric rehabilitation program (Anthony, 2005. P.3). Research on early psychiatric vocational rehabilitation facilities implied need to establish vocational rehabilitation services , with the fundamental principles of psychiatric rehabilitation (PR) and those of SE sharing many similarities. With the research recommendations, the Center for Mental Services (CMHS) sponsored the SE implementation resource kit structured to support the implementation of SE as evidence based practice in psychiatric rehabilitation program (Anthony, 2005, P.4). The SE works through state agencies dealing with VR disabilities and mental health, utilizing several of purchase of service (POS) programs to secure employment from provider agencies. Many of the POS programs share similarities in their defined services, a purchasable unit for each service and a unit cost for each defined service (Novak, Mank, Revell & Zemaitis, n.d, P.3). The POS program has enabled the growth of hour-based POS agreement, based on personalized program information with defined units of services received by each customer. This has improved the number of VR agencies utilizing the result based funding strategie s to access SE services from the community. The impact that supported employment has had in the rehabilitation field The SE has impacted very much on the rehabilitation field especially in terms of cost effectiveness, societal integration and health benefits. Cost effectiveness Implementation of SE in rehabilitation programmes has proved to be more cost effective compared to other VR programmes.